Updated Office Procedure for COVID-19
Comprehensive Childcare Associates has a new scheduling system for at least the next three weeks.
We are scheduling sick visits in the morning and well visits in the afternoon.

We are asking that all families upon arrival remain in their vehicles and contact our office by phone. (941 955-5191).

A front staff receptionist will confirm your appointment, request you email your insurance card and will collect your visits payment.
Email: HeyYou@CCAPeds.com FrontOffice@CCAPeds.com Nursing@CCAPeds.com
A nurse will come out to your vehicle and place you in an exam room immediately. We are not encouraging families to gather in the waiting room areas.
Unfortunately, if you feel your child has COVID-19 symptoms, there is nothing that we are able to do, (including testing) and recommend that you contact one of the following:
1. Sarasota County 941 861-2883 2. Manatee County 941 242-6649 3. Department of Health 866 779-6121
We are encouraging families to reschedule physical exams and evaluations for children over 3-years of age.
We have Telemedicine consults available for some concerns, such as, ADHD medication refills. You will need an iPad, phone and or computer that has a camera.
Please contact us for more details. (941-955-5191)
Below you will see the latest directive from the CDC:

Our new Physician rotation effective March 25th to April 12th.